
範例3,把dropdown加入button-group:.dropup為上拉式選單,方向改變而已,其餘相同:.可以用dropdown來將選項(li)做分類:.disable則是讓連結變成不能點選狀態:.可以 ...,InBootstrap,listgroupsisacomponentthatstylesunorderedlistsinaparticularway.Thispavesthewayforcreatingmorecomplexlistswithcustomcontent ...,Bootstrap3内置了列表组用于以列表形式呈现复杂的和自定义的内容.Bootstrap3列表组.Bootstrap提供了.li...

BootsTrap 3

範例3,把dropdown加入button-group:. dropup為上拉式選單,方向改變而已,其餘相同:. 可以用dropdown來將選項(li)做分類:. disable則是讓連結變成不能點選狀態:. 可以 ...

Bootstrap 3 List Groups

In Bootstrap, list groups is a component that styles unordered lists in a particular way. This paves the way for creating more complex lists with custom content ...

Bootstrap 3 列表组

Bootstrap 3 内置了列表组用于以列表形式呈现复杂的和自定义的内容. Bootstrap 3 列表组. Bootstrap 提供了 .list-group CSS 类用于将一个列表显示为列表组.

Bootstrap List Groups

Basic List Groups. The most basic list group is an unordered list with list items: First item; Second item; Third item. To create a basic list group, ...

List group

List groups are a flexible and powerful component for displaying a series of content. Modify and extend them to support just about any content within.

列表群組(List group) - Bootstrap
